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Hero Section of a Furniture Store

Hero Section of a Furniture Store

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This Furniture store hero section making sure customer is aware of a 20% Discount for Memorial Day Sale it features a set of unique selling points like:

  • 100 days trial
  • Free delivery (which is a big deal in case we talking about bulky and otherwise expensive to deliver Furniture products)
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Made in USA

It also contains a video player that customer can launch clicking a play button.

What is hero section?

It is the very first element that customer sees when opens the store, it’s usually above the fold which means that this part of the page will be viewed by literally everyone who opened a page, that’s why it is so important to make a good first impression but not make a customer wait too long for it to load.

This section gives an opportunity to put a catchy and scroll stopping image alongside slogan and most importantly Call To Action.

Main requirement to Hero Section is to pick attention and encourage to move further.

Hero Section messaging can focus on variety of goals:

  • building a brand story
  • Answer specific question that customer may have
  • Deliver a highlight on your value proposition
  • Share a statement

Components of Hero Section

  • Headline
  • Slogan
  • Nice Key Visual image or a video background
  • Clear and to the point Call To Action

How it's done?

Section is splitted in 70/30 proportion on desktop viewport. On the left larger side it is featuring embedded Video, that using a placeholder image for performance and loading time optimization, video is loaded when play button clicked.

Below video are placed Unique Selling Points that makes their offer stand out such as:

  • 100 days trial period
  • fast delivery
  • forever warranty
  • made in USA
  • financing options

On the right side of this section it presenting most recent Sale Event - Memorial Day Sale with a "Shop Now" call to action button.

How your Section Blueprint is generated:

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