
Setup conversion rates monitoring, data layer and attribution

Setup conversion rates monitoring, data layer and attribution

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We here a lot about Conversion rates but there are many conversion rates.
Which are you measuring?
  • Direct traffic CR

Google Search

  • Google Shopping CR
  • Google Organic CR
  • Google Branded CR
  • Nonbranded Search CR


  • Facebook Ads CR
  • IG Feed CR
  • Youtube Ads CR
  • Tiktok Ads

Retention Email/SMS

  • Attentive / SMS: CR
  • Klaviyo CR


  • Instagram Referral: 19.12%
  • Facebook Referral: 45.36%

Internal search CR if you have large catalog then you can measure how many search.

There is plenty of options like Elevar and other tools which can make it easier to setup, however if you use other platforms than Shopify some additional touch is required.